Tuesday, 31 December 2013



Year 2013 has passed and new year 2014 is now here. What you have planned on this new year celebration? how you are going to enjoy this big moment. Here are some new year 2014 wishes.






 new year wallpaper 2014

 new year wishes 







Everyone desperately waits for New Year with the start of the winter season. Obviously this the day when we are going to start another year of our life and promise to ourself with some resolutions for the whole year like I will do this, I will do that.

Moreover, Winter Holidays become more enjoyable festivals like Christmas and New Year. And the whole holiday week is enjoyed by sending gifts. Wishes with sweets.

Just After the Christmas ( 25th December) the craze for New year begin among the people. Everyone prepares something special to make their New Year a very special evening.

Saturday, 28 December 2013



Dear Comrades,

The Cadre-restructure and Re-organization of the field formations under C.B.E.C has been notified today i.e. on 18.12.2013.   For Details click the link below.

A detailed message will be posted at the earliest.

Comradely yours
Ashish Ranjan
President(Ranchi zone Patna)

Minutes of the meeting by the DGHRD with the representatives of recognized Associations/Federations under the CBEC

Minutes of the meeting by the DGHRD with the representatives of recognized Associations/Federations under the CBEC

Directorate General of Human Resources Development
Infrastructure &Welfare Wing
C-4, Ground Floor, IRCON Building (West Wing),
District Centre,Saket,
      New Delhi-110017
                                                                                                                              Date:   01.01.2013

 Subject: Minutes of the meeting held on 21st December, 2012 by the DGHRD with the     representatives of recognized Associations/Federations under the CBEC –reg.

A meeting by DG, HRD with the representatives of the recognized Associations/ Federations under the CBEC was held on 21.12.2012 with a view to generate awareness about the existing Schemes and thus, enthuse the Associations’ representatives to disseminate this information amongst all the officers/staff of the Department to  enable the beneficiaries to avail the benefits available under these Schemes.

2                The Minutes of the said meeting duly approved by DG, HRD are enclosed herewith for necessary action/ information please. The same are being placed on this office website namely dghrdcbec.gov. in also.
                                                                                                                    (Meenu S. Kumar)
                                                                                                                 Additional Director (I&W)
Off. Ph:011-29561870
       Encl: As above (09 pages)

1)      President/ General Secy., All India IRS (C&CE) Association, Room No. 131, Ist Floor, C. R. Building , I P Estate, New Delhi-110109
2)      President/ General Secy., All India Central Excise & S. Tax Ministerial Officers Association, 26/1, Mahama Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034
3)       President/ General Secy., All India Customs Preventive Service Federation, O/o, Commissioner of Customs, 60, Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600 001.
4)       President/ General Secy., All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers,
240, Razapur, Ghaziabad (U.P.)- 201 001
5)      President/ General Secy., All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association, MIG II-224, Hudco, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh- 490 009
6)      President/ General Secy., Central Revenue Chemical Association, Central Revenue Control Laboratory, P.O.- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi- 110012
7)      President/ General Secy., All India Narcotics Ministerial Officers Associations, O/o DNC, Jhalavar Road, Mahavir Nagar-I, Kota, Rajasthan-5.
8)      President/ General Secy., All India Customs & Central Excise Group-D Officers Federation, O/o Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, C. R. Building,  I. S. Press Road, Cochin- 682 018.
9)      President/ General Secy., All India Customs Ministerial Employees Federation,  15/1, Customs House, Strand Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
10)  President/ General Secy., All India Customs Group-C Officers Federation, 15/1, Customs House, Strand Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
11)  President/ General Secy., All India Customs Ministerial Officers Association, 15/1, Customs House, Strand Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
12)  President/ General Secy., All India Narcotics Department Executive Officers Association, 19, The Mall Road, Morar Gwalior- 400 007.
13)  President/ General Secy., All India Association of Customs & Central Excise Stenographers, H. No. 1, Williams Road, Cantonment, Tiruchirapalli-620 001
14)   President/ General Secy., All India Federation of Superintends of Customs, New Custom House, 3rd Floor, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001.
15)  President/ General Secy., All India Federation of Customs & Central Excise Telecommunication Staff,
Copy to:
1.      All Chief Commissioners/ Directors General

2.      All Commissioner/ Additional Director General

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Dear Comrades,
VII-CPC – Terms of reference-
               The members of the National Secretariat of the Confederation available at New Delhi met on 23rd Oct. 2013 and again on 24th October, 2013 to discuss and formulate our views on the 7th CPC terms of Reference.  On the basis of the discussions, we prepared a draft terms of reference and submitted it for consideration of the Staff Side.  The important points we placed in our draft for the consideration of the staff side were:-
(a)    The Commission to examine the present structure of pay and allowances and suggest changes. 
(b)    To give effect to its recommendations from 1.1.2011 i.e. wage revision must be after       every five years. 
(c)    D.A (50%) to be merged with pay with effect from 1.1.2011. 
(d)    To determine Interim relief taking into account the erosion in the value of wages over the years, 
(e)    To include GDS within the ambit of the 7th Central Pay Commission. 
(f)     To revise the retirement benefits and accord pension maintaining parity in quantum in respect of past, present and future pensioners. 
(g)    To extend the statutory defined benefit pension to those who have entered service after 1.1.2004. 
(h)    To settle the anomalies raised in various fora of JCM on a priority basis and within a specified time frame. 
(i)      To provide cashless/hazzle free Medicare to employees and pensioners.
The Government of India had convened a meeting of the Staff side representatives on 24.10.2013 to discuss the terms of reference.  The meeting took place at 3.00PM on 24th under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Personnel.  Besides the points mentioned above, the staff raised many other matters connected with the setting up of the CPC. viz. the inclusion of labour Representative as a Member of the Commission; the anomalous  situation brought about by the Grade pay based MACP Scheme; the requirement of a mechanism to settle the 6th CPC related anomalies;  the need to allow the proposals of Cadre Review to be examined by the Government independently without referring it to CPC;  to have members in the Commission who have gained  expertise to impart to the Commission the nuances and functional requirements of various Departments;  to relook at the new Pay Structure brought in by the 6th CPC in the light of the experience between 2008 to 2013 etc.  In conclusion the staff side requested the Government to provide it with a draft terms of reference taking into account the views placed by them.  It was also proposed by the Staff Side that on exchange of the draft terms of reference prepared by the Staff Side and the Official Side, a meeting with the Secretary, Personnel and Secretary, Expenditure could be arranged to iron out the differences, if any. 
The Staff Side met again on 25th at its office and deliberated upon various views presented by different organisations and finalised the draft terms of reference. We shall publish the said draft terms of reference as and when the same is submitted to the Government. 
It is obvious that despite the unanimous position taken by all the organisations, the Government may not necessarily agree with many of the basic issues, viz. Date of effect, merger of  DA, Interim Relief, Coverage of GDS etc.  We appeal to our affiliates/ State COCs to continue the campaign amongst the employees to generate necessary sanctions.
With greetings, 


Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Dear Comrades,

It is informed that the Recruitment Rules for the post of Administrative Officer, (Group “B” Posts)`2013 in CBEC have been notified.

Comradely yours

Sudharsan J

Secretary General

Proceedings of General Body Meeting held on 13.12.2013

Proceedings of General Body Meeting held on 13.12.2013

The General Body meeting of “Customs Central Excise &  Service Tax "Ministerial Officers Association", Bihar & Jharkhand (aiccemofpatna), scheduled on 13.12.2013 at auditorium of C.R. Building (Annexe), Patna, is inaugurated by Shri Ravindra Kumar, President  and Shri S. K. Verma(A.O) as a Chief Guest.

The kind presentation, participation, addressing and willingness for the membership of Ministerial Officers with the aiccemofpatna at the General Body meeting make the meeting successful.

Organization Structure are discussed and some new posts viz Cadre Secretary and Organization Secretary are formulated in terms of amendment in the existing constitution with aim to strengthen the existence and working culture of the association.

After Lunch Break, new responsibilities are allotted to the new members by ‘voice vote’ unanimously or by ‘latent token vote’ in case of aggravation which are as under:-
a)    President: Shri Ashish Ranjan will be successor of Shri Ravindra Kumar after getting proper pavement/ momentum or strengthening of the Association.
b)   Vice President: Shri Ajit Kumar.
c)    General Secretary: Shri Pawan kumar.
d)   Organization Secretary: Shri Vivek Kumar.
e)    Office Secretary: Shri Akshay Kumar.
f)     Treasurer: Shri Madhesh Kumar
g)    Joint Secretary (for C.Ex. & S.Tax including (Appeal) Comm’te, Patna):  Shri Manoj Kumar.
h)   Joint Secretary (for Customs Comm’te, Patna):
Shri Shribhagwan Dubey
i)     Joint Secretary (for C.Ex. & S.Tax including (Appeal) Comm’te, Ranchi): Shri Vipin Kumar Rana
j)     Joint Secretary (for C.Ex. & S.Tax Comm’te, Jamshedpur):
Shri Pramod Kant.
k)   Cadre Secretary to DOS: Smt. Priyanka Kumari.
l)     Cadre Secretary to STA: Shri Alok Kumar.
 m) Cadre Secretary to Steno: Shri Sunil Kumar.
n)   Cadre Secretary to T.A.: Shri Jai Kumar.
o)    Cadre Secretary to LDC: Shri Purnanand Mishra.

Willing Ministerial Officers given their opinion for the improvement of the Association.
     It is discussed in the meeting that the formal election will be held in the next year probably after July 2013.

     Ultimately, the meeting finished by addressing-cum blessing of Shri Ravindra Kumar, Ex-President, aiccemofpatna.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013



The Department of Customs and Excise, is an arm of the Federal Ministry of Finance. It is responsible for the collection of revenue from imports, exports, excise duties and royalties. In addition to revenue collection, the Department also documents the outflow and inflow of goods into the country. The essence is to provide the Government with   statistics on balance of trade and payments.

Customs officials also act as “gate-keepers” for the Government in the sense that they check and control the import or export of restricted and prohibited goods. Closely related to this , is their duty to ensure that goods imported are in accordance with prescribed regulations and of standard required by the Government. They also assist the Ministry of Commerce to control the use of import License.

The Department is also useful to the Central Bank of Nigeria because it assists the Bank in the enforcement of exchange control regulations. Added to this, is the role of Customs officials in preventing smuggling.

We can therefore see that the Customs and Excise Department is very vital not only to the Government but to the economy as well. To further illustrate this vital role of t he Customs and Excise Department, let us look at the Departments from three broad perspectives viz:

A. FINANCIAL  ROLE: Under this, the Department performs the following functions:-
1.         Collects revenue for Government mainly from imports and exports plus, of course, excise duty for locally manufactured goods, and royalties from some minerals.
2.         Assists the Central Bank in the enforcement of exchange control regulations.

B.   ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES: Under this, the Department performs the following functions: -
1.         Provides Government with statistics on imports and exports through the Federal Office of Statistics.
2.         Helps the Ministries of  Health and Agriculture in ensuring that food and other related imports are of prescribed standard.
3.         Assists the Ministry of Commerce in trade control by helping to control the use of Import License.

C.    LAW ENFORCEMENT ROLE:  Here, the Department performs one major function which is to prevent smuggling. It does this by checking the imports and exports of prohibited goods such as arms and ammunition's, and to ensure that appropriate approval has been obtained. A person is said to be a smuggler when he imports or exports goods into or from the country secretly without payment of duty, or in violation of law. It is the duty of the  Customs officials to stop such a person and that is how they help in preventing smuggling.

General Body meeting of “Customs Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association”, Bihar & Jharkhand’ is scheduled to be held on 13.12.2013

General Body meeting of “Customs Central Excise & Service Tax                        Ministerial Officers’ Association”, Bihar & Jharkhand’ is scheduled to be           held on 13.12.2013

1.   The G.B. meeting will be initiated by addressing the President and Gr.                  ‘A’ and ‘B’ Gazetted officers.
2.   Registration of new members of the ibid Association.
3.   Formulation/Amendment in Constitution to strengthen the existence                     and working culture of the Association.
4.   Allotment of new responsibilities to the members for proper functioning                 of the Association.
5.   Contribution of Legal fund to the Association.
6.   The officers are invited for discussion on the issues viz. problems                            experienced at work-shop, Cadre-Restructuring, Transfer & Posting                         policy etc.




Recognized by the CBEC vide F.No.B.12017/15/2005-Ad.IV A dated 4th March 2010. Recognition renewed for further 5 years from 04.03.2012 vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, CBEC's Letter F.No.B.12017/03/2013-AD.IV.A. dtd. 01.05.2013.