Friday, 31 January 2014

Expected AICPIN for December 2013 – Expected DA Jan 2014

Expected AICPIN for December 2013 – Expected DA Jan 2014

‘Expected DA from Jan 2014′ will be an end and the last and final calculation is waiting for CPI(IW) December 2013. Consumer Price Index(IW) for the month of December 2013 will be announced today or tomorrow by the Labour Bureau.

All we know that AICPIN is the magic number for the calculation of Dearness allowance. Especially, this is the last factor to decided for the purpose of additional Dearness allowance to CG Employees and Pensioners from January 2014.

CPI(IW) Base Year 2001=100, if possible the index move from the existing level of 243 to 246 then the additional DA from Jan 2014 will be fixed at 11%. But, the chances are very less.

The All-India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourers and Rural Labourers alos decreased by 12 points for the month of December 2013. Anyhow, certainly the additional Dearness allowance will be fixed at the level of 10%. So, the total Dearness allowance will become as 100%.

Finally the DA hits century..!


Dopt Orders - Action Taken on 62nd Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice on the Status of Women Government Employees, Service Conditions, Protection against exploitation, Incentives and other related issues...

Dopt Orders - Action Taken on 62nd Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice on the Status of Women Government Employees, Service Conditions, Protection against exploitation, Incentives and other related issues...

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
(Department of Personnel and Training) 

North Block, New Delhi - 110001 


Subject:-  Action Taken on 62nd Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice on the Status of Women Government Employees, Service Conditions, Protection against exploitation, Incentives and other related issues -regarding. 

The undersigned is directed to refer to Para 20.1 and Para 20.2 of the 62nd Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice wherein, the Committee has drawn attention to extant instructions of the Government on age relaxation for appointment of widows, divorced woman and woman judicially separated from their husbands and who were not remarried allowing age concession up to the age of 35 years (40 years for member of SCs/STs) for the post of Group 'C'and erstwhile Group 'D' filled through SSC/Employment Exchange and has directed scrupulous compliance of these instructions by all administrative authorities. 

2. The Department of Personnel and Training's O.M. No. 15012/13/79- Estt.(D) dated 19.1.1980 provides that for purposes of appointment to Group C and D posts under the Central Govt. filled through the SSC and the Employment Exchange, the upper age limit in the case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands who are not remarried shall be relaxed upto the age of 35 years (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Schedules Tribes) by invoking the provisions in the relevant recruitment rules, subject to production of a certified copy of the judgement/decree of the appropriate court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be (provided through DoP&T O.M. No. 15012/1/82-Estt.(D) dated 06.09.1983). Further, this relaxation has been extended to Group 'A' & 'B' posts except where recruitment is made through open competitive examination vide DoP&T O.M. No. 15012/1/87-Estt.(D) dated 05.10.1990. 

3. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned including attached and subordinate offices for strict compliance. 

(Arunoday Goswami)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia

Thursday, 30 January 2014

CBDT Press Release on change in procedure for PAN allotment for every INDIAN CITIZEN.

CBDT Press Release on change in procedure for PAN allotment.

Government of India 
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Revenue 
Central Board of Direct Taxes 

Dated 24th January, 2013 

Press Release

The procedure for PAN allotment process will nudergo a change w.e.f. 03.02.2014. From this date onwards, every PAN applicant has to submit self-attested copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents and also produce original documents of such POI/POA/DOB documents, for verification at the counter of PAN Facilitation Centres. The copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents attached with PAN application form, will be verified vis a vis their original documents at the time of submission of PAN application at PAN Facilitation Centre. Original documents shall not be retained by the PAN Facilitation Centres and will be returned back to the applicant after verification.  

(Rekha Shukla) 
Commissioner of Income Tax (M&TP) 
Official Spokesperson, CBD


PFRDA Circulars - Revision of Investment Guidelines for NPS Schemes

PFRDA Circulars - Revision of Investment Guidelines for NPS Schemes 


Date: 29-Jan-2014 
Sub: Revision of Investment Guidelines for NPS Schemes 

As a measure to optimise returns of the subscribers and with a view to ensure quality investments in the interest of subscribers, it has been decided to amend the investment guidelines applicable to NPS schemes. These are as follows: 

2. Investment guidelines for Government Sector NPS Schemes (Applicable to Government Sector, Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS): 

Category Investment Guidelines
(i) Government Securities (upto 55%)
(a) Government securities. 

(b) Other securities, the principal whereof and interest whereon is fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the Central Government or any State Government except those covered under (ii) (a) below. 

(c) units of mutual funds set up as dedicated funds for investment in Government securities and regulated by the Securities & Exchange Board of India. Provided that the exposure to a mutual fund shall not be more than 5% of the total portfolio of G Secs in the concerned NPS Scheme at any point of time.
(ii) Debt securities (upto 40%)
(a) Debt securities having a minimum residual maturity period of three years from the date of investment by the Pension Fund issued by Bodies Corporate including banks and public financial institutions; Provided that the investment in this category is made in instruments having an investment grade rating from at least one credit rating agency. Apart from rating by an agency, PFMs shall undertake their own due diligence for assessment of risks associated with the securities before investments. 

 (b) Term deposit Receipts of not less than one year duration issued by scheduled commercial banks. Provided that the scheduled commercial banks must meet conditions of (i) continuous profitability for immediately preceding three years; 

 (ii) maintaining a minimum Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio of 9%; 

 (iii) having net non‐performing assets of not more than 2% of the net advances; 

(iv) having a minimum net worth of not less than Rs. 200 crores. 

(c) Rupee Bonds having an outstanding maturity of at least 3 years issued by institutions of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation and the Asian Development Bank, Rated IDFs (Infrastructure Debt funds), Rated ABS (Asset Backed Securities) with the conditions applicable to debt securities in (ii) (a) above. 

(d) Debt Mutual Funds as regulated by SEBI.
iii) Money Market Instrument (upto5%)Money market instruments including units of money market mutual funds
iv) Equity (upto 15%)Shares of companies on which derivatives are available in Bombay Stock Exchange or National Stock Exchange or equity linked schemes of mutual funds or Exchange Traded Funds regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

3. Investment Guidelines for Private Sector NPS {applicable to E (Tier- I & II), C (Tier I & II), and G (Tier – I & II)}

Asset ClassInvestment Guidelines
EIndex funds/ Exchange Traded Funds that replicate the portfolio of either BSE Sensex index or NSE Nifty 50 index. Index Fund Schemes invest in securities in the same weightage comprising of an index. The PF will have to choose which index they intend to track in advance on an yearly basis.
C(i) Fixed Deposits of scheduled commercial banks with the following filters :
(a) Net worth of at least Rs. 500 crores and a track record of profitability in the last three years (b) Capital adequacy ratio of not less than 9% in the last three years. Net NPA of under 5% as a percentage of net advances in the last year
(c) List to be reviewed half yearly

(ii) Credit rated debt securities with residual maturity of not less than three years from the date of investment, issued by Bodies Corporate including scheduled commercial banks and public financial institutions [as defined in Section 4A of the Companies Act] 1956, provided that the instrument has an investment grade rating from at least one rating agency. PFM has to do his own due diligence too

(iii) Credit Rated Public Financial Institutions/PSU Bonds

(iv) Rated asset backed securities /Credit Rated Municipal Bonds/Infrastructure Bonds/Rated Infrastructure Debt Funds with the conditions given in (ii) (a).

(v) Debt Mutual Funds as regulated by SEBI.
(i) Government of India Bonds (ii) State Government Bonds
E/C/GPending deployment as per investment objective, the moneys under the respective Schemes may be invested in short-term deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks as eligible under para (i) (a),(b) and (c) above or in call deposits or in short-term money market instruments or other liquid instruments or Liquid Funds of AMCs regulated by SEBI with the following filters:

AMCs are SEBI regulated, with Average total assets under management (AUM) for the most recent six-month period of, at least, Rs.5000 crore.

All assets that are permitted for investment into liquid funds by SEBI or both not exceeding a limit of 10% of scheme corpus on temporary basis only.

4. Following restrictions/filters are being imposed for both Government & Private Sector NPS schemes to reduce concentration risks in the NPS investment of the subscribers: 

a) NPS investments have been restricted to 5% of the ‘paid up equity capital’* of all the sponsor group companies or 5% of the total AUM under Equity exposure whichever is lower, in each respective scheme and 10% in the paid up equity capital of all the non-sponsor group companies or 10% of the total AUM under Equity exposure whichever is lower, in each respective scheme. 

*‘Paid up share capital’: Paid up share capital means market value of paid up and subscribed equity capital. 

b) NPS investments have been restricted to 5% of the ‘net-worth’# of all the sponsor group companies or 5% of the total AUM in debt securities (excluding Govt. securities) whichever is lower in each respective scheme and 10% of the net-worth of all the non-sponsor group companies or 10% of the total AUM in debt securities (excluding Govt. securities) whichever is lower, in each respective scheme. 

#Net Worth: Net worth would comprise of Paid-up capital plus Free Reserves including Share Premium but excluding Revaluation Reserves, plus Investment Fluctuation Reserve and credit balance in Profit & Loss account, less debit balance in Profit and Loss account, Accumulated Losses and Intangible Assets. 

c) Investment exposure to a single Industry has been restricted to 15% under all NPS Schemes by each Pension Fund Manager as per Level-5 of NIC classification. Investment in scheduled commercial bank FDs would be exempted from exposure to Banking Sector. 

d) State Government Bonds restricted to 10% of the AUM of Government Securities of each respective scheme and to 5% to any individual state government of the AUM of Govt. schemes of respective scheme. 

e) In respect of NPS Scheme (Government pattern of investment),and Schemes E and C (Tier I & II), the Industry Concentration limits of 15% and Issuer Concentration limits for Sponsor / Non – sponsor group will not apply in cases where the aforesaid schemes invest in or mirror the Equity Index Funds/ETF and /or Debt Mutual Funds. However, if the PF makes investments in Equity/Debt instruments, in addition to the investments in Index funds/ETF/Debt MF, the exposure limits under such Index funds/ETF/Debt MF should be considered for compliance of the prescribed the Industry Concentration , Sponsor/ Non Sponsor group norms. ( For example, if on account of investment in Index Funds/ ETFs/Debt MFs , if any of the concentration limits are being breached than further investment should not be made in the relative Industry /Company). 

f) PFs should invest in MFs/ETFs/Index Funds directly (through in- house replication) such that the double incidence of cost is avoided (No payment to be made to Asset Management Company). 

g) The investment guidelines for both Government and Private sector allow derivative instruments to be used only for the purpose of hedging and portfolio rebalancing, in accordance with the guidelines issued by PFRDA/SEBI/RBI. Credit Default Swaps (CDS) with the above provisos may be treated as eligible derivative instruments. 

5. Pension Funds to ensure that the interest of the subscribers is safeguarded and that they should not incur any loss while exiting the existing investments to comply with the revised guidelines. However, all future investments should be made strictly in compliance with the above guidelines. 

6. The above guidelines shall take immediate effect and portfolios under all NPS schemes are sought to be regularized as on 1st April 2014 in line with the revised guidelines.

7. These instructions supersede all earlier circulars/clarifications related to investments issued in this regard by PFRDA , and for compliance , should be read in conjunction with Schedule-II of the Investment Management Agreement. 

 Mamta Rohit 
 Chief General Manager 


Tuesday, 28 January 2014



Battle lines for a showdown of the Central Govt. Employees are drawn.  Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers had served notice for 48 hours strike on 2014 February 12th & 13th, to Cabinet Secretary on 21st January 2014 alongwith 15 point Charter of demands.

The demands raised by the entire Central Govt. employees includes DA merger, Interim relief, Grant of civil servant status and inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC, Regularisation and revision of wages of casual labourers, Rescind PFRDA Act and scrap new Pension Scheme, Date of effect of 7th CPC 01-01-2014 & Five year wage revision in future, Fixation of minimum pay based on Need-based minimum wage formula worked out by 15th ILC and modified by Supreme Court later, settlement of anomalies, Implementation of Arbitration awards, five promotions, cashless hassle free medical facilities, Removal of restrictions on compassionate appointments, removal of bonus ceiling, stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, casualisation and privatisation, Filling up of vacant posts. Stop price rise and strengthen public distribution system.  Right to strike, vacate victimisations and revive JCM forums are also included in the charter.

The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Central Govt. from 1991 onwards is threatening the very existence of Central Govt. departments.  Many Govt. functions are already outsourced and some departments are at the verge of closure.  Eventhough Govt. proclaim that there is no ban, six lakhs of vacant posts remain unfilled, out of which three lakhs are in Railways.  Downsizing, contractorisation and privatisation has become the order of the day.  Exploitation of  three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal department and casual labourers is still continuing.  Hard-earned statutory Pension of the Govt. employees has been snatched away and  share market oriented New Pension Scheme is introduced. Both the congress-led UPA Govt. and BJP led Opposition NDA had joined together in the Parliament to pass the PFRDA Bill.  Prices of all essential commodities has shooted up and grant of permission by the Govt. to  oil companies to raise the prices of Petroleum products including Gas has further aggravated the situation.  Life of the workers and common people has become miserable.  To compensate the price rise and to prevent further erosion in the real wages.  Govt. is not ready to grant DA merger or interim relief.  Entire negotiating forums called JCM has become totally ineffective and defunct due to the negative attitude of the Government.

General Election to Parliament is going to be declared shortly.  Parliament is in session upto the second or third week of February 2014 only.  Once election is declared, we cannot expect any positive action from the Government till the end of 2014.  Confederation has framed the charter of demands in its National Council held at Mumbai in 2010 December 1st & 2nd and submitted to Government in 2011.  Series of Nationwide campaign and agitational programmes has been organised and a massive rally of about 20000 Central Govt. employees was conducted in front of Parliament on 26th July 2012.  As the Government remained indifferent one day’s nation-wide strike was conducted on 12th December 2012 followed by two days strike on February, 20, 21 along with the Central Trade Unions.  Strike ballot for indefinite strike was also declared in the month of August, 2013.  Due to the agitations conducted by  Confederation, Government was compelled to announce 7th Pay Commission in September, 2013, of course, with an eye on the votes of the Central Government Employees and Pensioners in the by-election to four states including Delhi.

Now four months are over since the announcement of the Prime Minister assuring constitution of Seventh CPC.  Till this day the notification constituting the 7th CPC is not issued by the Government and the Chairman and other committee members are also not appointed.  DA merger, Interim Relief and terms of reference are also pending.  In fact, Government has fooled about 50 lakhs Central Government employees including defence personnel and 40 lakhs Central Government Pensioners.  Nobody can tolerate this type of humiliation.

We cannot expect any positive action from the Government, unless and untill we organise ourselves in a decisive manner and go for a strike action.  Central Government Employees have the potential to get their due rights from an unwilling Government.  For that there is no short-cut.  Unity and struggle is the only way.  2014 February 12th & 13th 48 hour strike will be an outburst of resentment and anger of the entire Central Government employees.  Let us unite together and make the 48 hours strike a show of our uncompromising determination, courage and unity.


Sunday, 26 January 2014

President’s address to the Nation on the eve of the Republic Day

President’s address to the Nation on the eve of the Republic Day

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
President's Secretariat 
25-January-2014 19:21 IST
President’s address to the Nation on the eve of the Republic Day

The President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, addressed the Nation on the eve of the 65th Republic Day. Following is the text of the President’s address on the occasion: 

“My Fellow Citizens, 
On the eve of 65th Republic Day, I extend warm greetings to all of you in India and abroad. I convey my special greetings to members of our Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security Forces. 

The Republic Day commands the respect of every Indian. On this day, sixty four years ago, in a remarkable display of idealism and courage, we the people of India gave to ourselves a sovereign democratic republic to secure all its citizens justice, liberty and equality. We undertook to promote among all citizens fraternity, the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation. These ideals became the lodestar of the modern Indian State. Democracy became our most precious guide towards peace and regeneration from the swamp of poverty created by centuries of colonial rule. From within the spacious provisions of our Constitution, India has grown into a beautiful, vibrant, and sometimes noisy democracy. For us, the democracy is not a gift, but the fundamental right of every citizen; for those in power democracy is a sacred trust. Those who violate this trust commit sacrilege against the nation. 

Some cynics may scoff at our commitment to democracy but our democracy has never been betrayed by the people; its fault-lines, where they exist, are the handiwork of those who have made power a gateway to greed. We do feel angry, and rightly so, when we see democratic institutions being weakened by complacency and incompetence. If we hear sometimes an anthem of despair from the street, it is because people feel that a sacred trust is being violated. 

Fellow Citizens, 
Corruption is a cancer that erodes democracy, and weakens the foundations of our state. If Indians are enraged, it is because they are witnessing corruption and waste of national resources. If governments do not remove these flaws, voters will remove governments. 

Equally dangerous is the rise of hypocrisy in public life. Elections do not give any person the licence to flirt with illusions. Those who seek the trust of voters must promise only what is possible. Government is not a charity shop. Populist anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance. False promises lead to disillusionment, which gives birth to rage, and that rage has one legitimate target: those in power. 

This rage will abate only when governments deliver what they were elected to deliver: social and economic progress, not at a snail's pace, but with the speed of a racehorse. The aspirational young Indian will not forgive a betrayal of her future. Those in office must eliminate the trust deficit between them and the people. Those in politics should understand that every election comes with a warning sign: perform, or perish. 

I am not a cynic because I know that democracy has this marvellous ability to self-correct. It is the physician that heals itself, and 2014 must become a year of healing after the fractured and contentious politics of the last few years. 

My Fellow Citizens, 
The last decade witnessed the emergence of India as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The slowdown of our economy in the last two years can be some cause for concern but none for despair. The green shoots of revival are already visible. The agricultural growth in the first half of this year has touched 3.6 per cent and rural economy is buoyant. 

2014 is a precipice moment in our history. We must re-discover that sense of national purpose and patriotism, which lifts the nation above and across the abyss; and back on to the road of prosperity. Give the young jobs and they will raise the villages and cities to 21st century standards. Give them a chance and you will marvel at the India they can create. 

This chance will not come if India does not get a stable government. This year, we will witness the 16th General Election to our Lok Sabha. A fractured government, hostage to whimsical opportunists, is always an unhappy eventuality. In 2014, it could be catastrophic. Each one of us is a voter; each one of us has a deep responsibility; we cannot let India down. It is time for introspection and action. 

India is not just a geography: it is also a history of ideas, philosophy, intellect, industrial genius, craft, innovation, and experience. The promise of India has sometimes been mislaid by misfortune; at other times by our own complacence and weakness. Destiny has given us another opportunity to recover what we have lost; we will have no one to blame but ourselves if we falter. 

Fellow Citizens, 
A democratic nation is always involved in argument with itself. This is welcome, for we solve problems through discussion and consent, not force. But healthy differences of opinion must not lead to an unhealthy strife within our polity. Passions are rising over whether we should have smaller states to extend equitable development to all parts of a state. A debate is legitimate but it should conform to democratic norms. The politics of divide and rule has extracted a heavy price on our subcontinent. If we do not work together, nothing ever will work. 

India must find its own solutions to its problems. We must be open to all knowledge; to do otherwise would be to condemn our nation to the misery of a stagnant mire. But we should not indulge in the easy option of mindless imitation, for that can lead us to a garden of weeds. India has the intellectual prowess, the human resource and financial capital to shape a glorious future. We possess a dynamic civil society with an innovative mindset. Our people, whether in villages or cities, share a vibrant, unique consciousness and culture. Our finest assets are human. 

Fellow Citizens, 
Education has been an inseparable part of the Indian experience. I am not talking only of the ancient institutions of excellence like Takshashila or Nalanda, but of an age as recent as the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, our higher educational infrastructure consists of over 650 universities and 33,000 colleges. The quality of education has to be the focus of our attention now. We can be world leaders in education, if only we discover the will and leadership to take us to that pinnacle. Education is no longer just the privilege of the elite, but a universal right. It is the seed of a nation’s destiny. We must usher in an education revolution that becomes a launching pad for the national resurgence. 

I am being neither immodest, nor beating a false drum, when I claim that India can become an example to the world. Because, the human mind flourishes best when it is, as the great sage Rabindranath Tagore said, free from fear; when it has the liberty to roam into spheres unknown; in search of wisdom; and when the people have the fundamental right to propose as well as oppose. 

My Fellow Citizens, 
There will be a new government before I speak to you again on the eve of our Independence Day. Who wins the coming election is less important than the fact that whosoever wins must have an undiluted commitment to stability, honesty, and the development of India. Our problems will not disappear overnight. We live in a turbulent part of the world where factors of instability have grown in the recent past. Communal forces and terrorists will still seek to destabilize the harmony of our people and the integrity of our state but they will never win. Our security and armed forces, backed by the steel of popular support, have proved that they can crush an enemy within; with as much felicity as they guard our frontiers. Mavericks who question the integrity of our armed services are irresponsible and should find no place in public life. 

India's true strength lies in her Republic; in the courage of her commitment, the sagacity of her Constitution, and the patriotism of her people. 1950 saw the birth of our Republic. I am sure that 2014 will be the year of resurgence. 


Monday, 20 January 2014

Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session...

Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session...

Merger of 50 percent DA may soon be considered by Central Government – Sources

Sources close to the Central Government Employees Federations told that Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session of Parliament in February 2014. According to the sources, the central government is likely to consider the central government employees  demand for merging of 50 % DA, for the reason that the DA will be crossing 100% level after January 2014.

The rate of dearness allowance to be paid to govt servants has been increasing consistently due to the rise in the prices of essential commodities for the past two years. In 2011 the rate of DA was at 50 % level. Since then all the Federation demanded the central government to merge the 50 Percent DA with basic Pay. But the government did not accept this demand to merge the DA with basis pay, as it was not recommended by sixth CPC.

The demand would be considered in view of parliament elections

But federations kept on demanding the government that raising dearness allowance alone will not help to compensate the alarming rate of price rice. So they urged the government to consider their demand favorably. It is believed that after the defeat in the election of four state legislative councils, the UPA government has decided to reconsider about its decision on the issues which directly affects the common public. The high command of the ruling party thought that the reason for their defeat in the state election is mainly because of their government failed to contain the price rise. The gap between common public and UPA government has been considerably increased. To correct these failures the UPA government decides to do something to attract the voters.

After announcing the government’s proposal to constitute the 7th pay commission, the community of central government employees has been convinced to have soft view on this government. Further the 50 lakh central government employees would be made happy if the 50% DA is merged with Basic Pay. It is told that , as the central government staff association and federations demanding it very seriously, in case the government decides go with this demand, there will be around one crore voters will be in favour of UPA government. So the government may consider the demand of merging of 50% DA with basic Pay in view of forthcoming Parliament elections.

Allowances will have no impact on merging DA with basic Pay

The sources, associated with National Council JCM, said that the government initially was not willing to consider this demand as some allowance and advances have been raised by 25% whenever the DA crosses 50% level as per the sixth CPC recommendation. But federations insisted that the allowances, which are raised to 25 % level when DA crosses 50%, will have no impact on merging DA with basic pay. The only allowance will have an increase when Basic Pay increases are HRA. No other allowances will be increased and other entitlement of the respective Grade Pay will not be revised as the 50% DA to be merged will be kept under separate component like it was treated in 5CPC as Dearness Pay. “There is no need to worry about financial implications, as the 50% DA will be paid by just changing its nomenclature as Dearness Pay”, said sources.

50% DA merger to be decalered before DA crosses 100%

Further, it has been informed that it is good enough for the government to announce its decision before declaring the next additional installment of DA. Because the AICPIN for Industrial workers for the Month of December 2013 is awaited to determine the rate of dearness allowance to be paid from January 2014.The result of last 11 months AICPIN shows that DA will definitely be raised by 10 % from existing 90% level. So the rate of DA will be 100% with effect from 1st January 2014. After the DA increased to 100%, the demand for 50% DA merger will have to change its avatar. Probably the demand would be for 100% DA merger. So the federations expect the government may consider 50% DA merger soon.

However, decision if any in this regard should be taken before the announcement of election for parliament. It is expected that election announcement for parliament will be made by the end of February 2014. Before that,  the announcement of 50% DA merger is expected from central government.


Wife has right to know husband’s salary: CIC

Wife has right to know husband’s salary: CIC

New Delhi: Wives of government servants have a “right” to know salary particulars of their husbands and these details should also be made public by their offices as mandated under suo-moto disclosure clause of the RTI Act, the Central information Commission has held.

Information Commissioner M Sridhar Acharyulu said every spouse has a right to information about the salary particulars of the other especially for the purpose of maintenance.

“More so, wife has a right to know the salary particulars of the husband, who is an employee of the public authority,” he said.

The commissioner further said that the details about a government employee’s salary is no third party information and these have to be voluntarily disclosed under Section 4(1)(b)(x) of the RTI Act.

He said the salary paid to the public authority is sourced from the tax paid by the people in general and it has to be disclosed mandatorily under the RTI section.

“The information about the salary of employee or an officer of the same public authority cannot be considered as a third party information… Public authorities cannot reject such RTI applications about salary under the pretext of the third party information,” he held.

Acharyulu warned the Home Department of Delhi government that such denial of information will be wrongful and could incur penalty. The warning was in context of an application filed by Jyoti Seherawat seeking salary slip of her husband who is employed at the Home (General) department.

The information was denied as her husband gave in written to the department that such an information should not be provided to anyone.

Source : PTI

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dopt clarification on fixation of pay of senior PAs in the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 and allowing arrears - regarding

Dopt Clarification : The senior PAs of CSSS are entitled to arrears of pay from the date of option to come over to the Revised Pay Scales till the date of stepping up of pay... 

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003.
Date: 13th January, 2014.


Subject: Fixation of Pay of senior PAs in the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 with the PAs of CSSS promoted between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 - clarification regarding allowing arrears - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that references are still being received from Ministries/Departments regarding fixation of pay of senior PAs of CSSS and payment of arrears in the revised pay structure with the PAs of CSSS who were promoted between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008. PAs of CSSS promoted between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 were allowed arrears from the date of their promotion as they had come over to the revised pay on the date of their promotion. Seniors to such promotee PAs of CSSS, however, were subsequently allowed stepping up of their pay with reference to these officials and they were not allowed arrears on the ground that the officials with reference to whom they got their pay stepped up were also not entitled to this.

2. The issue of fixation of pay with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 and payment of arrears was taken up by Establishment Division of this Department with Department of Expenditure as this amounts to compelling the senior official, who was already serving as PA prior to 1.1.2006 and opted for fixation of his pay under revised pay rules from 1.1.2006 to opt for revised pay structure from the date of stepping up with the junior.

3. It is, therefore, clarified that the senior is entitled to arrears of pay from the date he opted to come over to the Revised Pay Scales till the date of stepping up of pay. These will be paid on the basis of pay actually fixed as on 1.1.2006.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


Saturday, 18 January 2014

PFRDA Circulars - Exposure draft on Guidelines for Withdrawal of 25% of Accumulated Contributions by NPS Subscribers

PFRDA Circulars - Exposure draft on Guidelines for Withdrawal of 25% of Accumulated Contributions by NPS Subscribers




Issued on: 15th January, 2014 

Last date to accept Comments: 15th February, 2014 

As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations.

Keeping the above in perspective, the draft guidelines for withdrawal of 25 % of accumulated contributions by NPS subscribers are proposed and comments from the public and all concerned are invited. It may also be noted that suggestions on addition/alteration in the proposed guidelines can also be given. Comments/Feedback may be forwarded by email to the e-mail id latest by 15.02.2014. 

Comments should be given in the following format:
Name of entity/ person
Sr.No.Pertains to which Section/sub-section and Page numberProposed/ suggested changesRationale

Written comments in the above format may be addressed to: 

Mr. Sumit Kumar 
Dy. General Manager 
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority 1st Floor, ICADR Building, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area Phase - II Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070 


As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations. In order to finalise the regulations for withdrawals, it becomes imperative to develop the formal aspects of the permitted withdrawals allowed under the Act for the benefit of NPS subscribers. 

The current exit / withdrawal guidelines under NPS are framed in such a manner that the subscriber has a long period of accumulation of corpus for providing him with a decent accumulated pension wealth when he retires or he moves out of the regular work routine due to age. Also, it lets the subscriber have the freedom to move out of the scheme at any point of time, irrespective of cause or reason which determines the complete exit from the scheme.

The following are the current rules/guidelines for withdrawals under NPS as approved by PFRDA: 
a) Exit from NPS upon attaining the age of Normal superannuation (for govt. employees only) or upon attaining the age of 60 years (for all subscribers other than govt. employees): At least 40% of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber needs to be mandatorily utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for the monthly pension of the subscriber and the balance is paid as a lump sum payment to the subscriber.
b) Exit from NPS before attaining the age of Normal superannuation (for govt. employees only) or before attaining the age of 60 years (for all subscribers other than govt. employees): At least 80% of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber needs to be utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for the monthly pension of the subscriber and the balance is paid as a lump sum payment to the subscriber.
c) Upon Death : The entire accumulated pension wealth (100%) would be paid to the nominee / legal heir of the subscriber. For Swavalamban withdrawals under (a) & (b) in the previous page, there is an overriding condition on the lump sum payment payable due to which the entire accumulated pension wealth would be annuitised in case if the monthly pension obtained by using the 40%/80% of the pension wealth is below Rs.1000/- per month. Also, these exit/withdrawal rules as applicable to NPS can be modified/altered from time to time by the Authority as the NPS progresses. 
The withdrawal of 25% of accumulated contributions under NPS is in addition to the withdrawal permitted at the time of exiting from NPS by the subscriber as specified above. The subscriber can continue to contribute in the scheme while using such withdrawal facility. These guidelines shall determine the circumstances under which the NPS subscriber can avail such withdrawal functionality under different time frames and thereby putting certain limits to which shall be adhered by him/her. 

The guidelines are framed taking into the purpose and object of NPS i.e., to ensure a decent accumulated pension wealth in the accounts of the subscribers at the time of exit. 

The Feedback /Comments on this exposure draft received till 15th February, 2014 would be considered for evaluation by PFRDA. The decision of PFRDA on all and any matters related to the subject matter is final and binding on all stakeholders. 


As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations. As the decision in this regard has to form part of the regulations to be made under Sec 52 of PFRDA Act, we need to arrive at a decision on the matter purpose, frequency and limits of such withdrawals which would be allowed. 

Posts examining the various aspects of the probable needs and duration, following aspects have been proposed in respect of the aforesaid guidelines: 

(a) Purpose : This withdrawal may be treated as partial withdrawal and whereby the subscriber can withdraw not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account for any of the following purposes only: 

i) For Higher education of his/her children including a legally adopted child. 
ii) For the marriage of his/her children, including a legally adopted child. 
iii) For the purchase/construction of residential house or flat. However, if the subscriber already owns a residential house or flat, the same is not allowed as a ground for the withdrawal. 
iv) Treatment for prescribed illnesses – suffered by subscriber or his legally wedded spouse and children. For this purpose, the prescribed illness referred above consists of hospitalization and treatment for the following diseases/illnesses: 
1. Cancer 
2. Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure) 
3. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 
4. Multiple Sclerosis 
5. Major Organ Transplant 
6. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 
7. Aorta Graft Surgery 
8. Heart Valve Surgery 
9. Stroke 
10. Myocardial Infarction (First Heart Attack) 
11. Coma 
12. Total blindness 
13. Paralysis 

b) Limits : It has been proposed that there should be limitation on eligibility as well as the maximum limit for each withdrawal that can be permitted till the person stays invested in National Pension System. We propose the following eligibility criteria and limit for availing the benefit: 
1. The subscriber should have been in NPS for at least ten years and contributing to the scheme. 
2. Subscriber can withdraw accumulations not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contributions made by him and standing to his credit in his NPS account, as on the date of application for withdrawal. 

c) Frequency : It is recommended that the subscriber may be allowed to withdraw at the most three (3) times from the scheme during the tenure and should have a gap of at least 5 years before availing the withdrawal facility for the next time. However, the mandatory requirement of 5 years gap between two successive permitted withdrawals would not be applicable in case of “treatment for above prescribed illnesses”. 

We are proposing the above frequency in order to make sure that the subscriber should be left with a decent and considerable accumulated pension wealth at the time of superannuation/age of 60 years enabling him to purchase sustainable annuity. 

The request for withdrawal should be sent along with relevant document through the Nodal Office/POP/Aggregator to Central Record Keeping Agency for processing of the withdrawal claim. 


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Merger of DA, Retirement Age 62, Scrapping of NPS, inclusion of federation leaders in 7th CPC etc. – Memorandum submitted to PM

Retirement Age 62, Merger of DA, Scrapping of NPS, inclusion of federation leaders in 7th CPC etc. – Memorandum submitted to PM

A confederation of recognised federations has submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh putting forth demands like extention of the age of superannuation of Central Government employees to 62 years.

Other demands of the federations include scrapping of the new pension scheme, inclusion of departmental nominees and federation leaders in the Seventh Pay Commission, merger of 50 per cent of DA with basic pay, etc.

Source :

Monday, 13 January 2014

Dopt issued clarification orders on fixation of Pay of Assistants of CSS in the Revised Pay structure as per the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008

Dopt issued clarification orders on fixation of Pay of Assistants of CSS in the Revised Pay structure as per the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi 
Dated the 3rd January, 2014.

Office Memorandum

Subject : Fixation of Pay of Assistants of CSS in the Revised Pay structure as per the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 – Clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that references are still being received from Ministries/Departments regarding fixation of pay of Assistants in the revised pay structure. In this connection OM of even number dated 22.12.2010, enclosing there with Department of Expenditure UO No.10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009, refers.

Instructions issued by this Department have to be read along with the under mentioned Rules and orders (as clarified, wherever required):

(i) Department of Expenditure’s OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008, para 2(ii)

“The tables in Annex-I will be applicable in cases where normal replacement pay scales have been approved by the Government.In cases of upgaradation of posts and merger of pre-revised pay scales, fixation of pay will be done as prescribed in Note 2A and 2B below Rules 7(1) and in the manner indicated in illustrations 4A …..“

(Therefore in the case of Assistants of CSS who have been given the upgraded post, the fixation of pay is to be done as prescribed in Note 2A below Rules 7(1) of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008)

(ii) Note 2A below Rule 7 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008

"Where a post has been upgraded as a result of the recommendations of the Sixth CPC…. the fixation of pay in the applicable pay band will be done in the manner prescribed in accordance with Clause (A) (i) and (ii) of Rule 7 by multiplying the existing basic pay as on 1.1 .2006 by a factor of 1.86 and rounding the resultant figure to the next multiple of ten. The grade pay corresponding to the upgraded scale will be payable in addition. Illustration 4A in this regard is in the Explanatory memo to these Rules”.

(iii) Rule 11 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008

"11. Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure subsequent to the 1st day of January, 2006. - Where a Government servant continues to draw his pay in the existing scale and is brought over to the revised pay structure from a date later that the 1st day of January 2006, his pay from the later date in the revised pay structure shall be fixed in the following manner :-
(i) Pay in the pay band will be fixed by adding the basic pay applicable on the later date, the dearness pay applicable on that date and the pre revised dearness allowance based on rates applicable as on 1.1.2006. This figure will be rounded off to the next multiple of 10 and will then become the pay in the applicable pay band. In addition to this, the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale will be payable….”
(The fitment tables given in the Annex-I to the Department of Expenditures OM dated 30.8.2008 are to be used for pay fixation as done on 1.1.2006 only and incase of normal replacement pay scales as per para 2(i) and para 2(u) respectively of the aforesaid OM For fixation of pay in the revised pay structure subsequent to 1.1.2006, the Rule 11 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 refers).

2. The issue of fixation of pay with references to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 and payment of arrears was taken up by Establishment Division of this Department with Department of Expenditure. A clarification dated 10.12.2013 issued by Estt (Pay) is enclosed.

3. It is further clarified that inclusion in the Select List does not ante date the seniority of the officers. However, the Select Lists as specified in this Departments OM No.6/3/2009CS.I(S) dated 9.7.20 10 may be deemed to be effective from 1st July of the year of the Select List, for the purpose of fixation of pay on notional basis only.

(Parminder Singh) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India

No. 961840/2013-Estt. (Pay-I) 
D/o Personnel & Training 
Establishment (Pay-I) Section

Vide the U.0. dated the 14th December, 2009, D/o Expenditure had allowed fixation of pay with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 to those promoted as Assistants / PAs between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008. They were, however, not allowed arrears from 1.1.2006 till the date of their promotion, as they had come over to the revised pay on the date of their promotion.

2. Seniors to such promotee Assistants / PAs, however, were subsequently allowed stepping up of their pay with reference to these officials. Such senior officials were also not allowed arrears on the ground that the officials with reference to whom they had got their pay stepped up were also not entitled toso.

3. The issue has been reconsidered in consultation with D/o Expenditure as this amounts to compelling the senior official, who was already serving as Assistant /PA prior to 1.1.2006 and opted for fixation of his pay under revised pay rules from 1.1.2006, to opt for revised pay structure from the date of stepping up with the junior.

4. It is, therefore, clarified that the senior is entitled to arrears of pay from the date he opted to come over to the Revised Pay Scales till the date of stepping up of pay. These will be paid on the basis of pay actually fixed as on 1. 1.2006.

5. The CS Divisions are, therefore, advised to issue a clarification in respect of similarly placed persons in CSS / CSSS.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi) 
Deputy Secretary (Pay) 
December 10, 2013


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