Thursday, 31 July 2014

Treatment of period of Leave towards minimum residency period for in-situ promotion under Flexible Complimentary Scheme - Dopt Orders

Treatment of period of Leave towards minimum residency period for in-situ promotion under Flexible Complimentary Scheme - Dopt Orders

No.AB 14017/32/2013-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 30th July, 2014

Subject: Treatment of period of Leave towards minimum residency period for in-situ promotion under Flexible Complimentary Scheme.

The Department of Personnel & Training vide OM No. 2/41/97-PIC dated 15.11.2000 and OM No.AB.14017/38/2003-Estt (RR) dated 13.8.2003 had issued instructions regarding treatment of the period spent on deputation/foreign service to another Scientific post as well as the period of Study Leave/ any other Leave taken for improving the academic accomplishments, and the Maternity Leave, Leave sanctioned in continuation of Maternity Leave and Earned Leave shall be taken into account while computing minimum residency period for promotions under FCS.

2. All women employees, having minor children, have been allowed total leave upto two years for taking care of upto 2 children as Child Care Leave (CCL) on the recommendations of the 6th CPC. References have been received from sonic of the Scientific Departments on the issue of treatment of period of CCL towards minimum residency period for in-Situ promotion under Flexible Complimentary Scheme.

3. The criteria for promotion under the Flexible Complementing Scheme is proven merit and records of research and the assessment norms for promotion under FCS should be rigorous. Only scientists/technologists holding scientific/technical posts in scientific/technological departments and who are actually engaged in scientific activity/service are only given in-situ promotions under the FCS, after a thorough examination of their performance. During their absence on leave availed on personal grounds, etc the scientists do not perform any scientific activity/research work and as such inclusion of such period while computing the minimum residency period will be against the general principles and spirit of FCS.

4. It has, accordingly, be decided in consultation with Ministry of Science & Technology that the following types of leave availed by an eligible scientist shall be counted towards minimum residency period required to be put in by the scientists in the lower grade for consideration for promotion under Flexible Complimentary Scheme.

(i) The period spent on deputation/Foreign Service to another scientific post, which helps a Scientist to acquire scientific experience in a diverse set up.

(ii) Period of Study Leave/ any other Leave taken for the academic accomplishments to improve scientific knowledge.

(iii) Maternity Leave sanctioned as per Leave Rules shall be treated as duty while counting the minimum residency period for promotions under FCS.

(iv) Leave of a maximum period of one year sanctioned in continuation of maternity leave as per Leave Rules may also be treated on par with maternity Leave and this period may consequently be taken into account while counting the minimum residency period.

(v) Earned Leave and/or Child Care Leave for a total period not exceeding 180 days sanctioned as per Leave Rules shall also be taken into account while computing minimum residency period.

(vi) The period spent on deputation/foreign service to a non-scientific post and the period of leave including leave on medical grounds, EOL. etc. availed on personal grounds shall not count towards the minimum residency period.

5. These instructions will take effect from the date of issue of these orders. Pending cases may also be decided based on these instructions but past cases already decided may not be re-opened.

6. Hindi version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)

Source :

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Income Tax Department Launches New and Improved Online Calculator

Income Tax Department Launches New and Improved Online Calculator

The Income Tax Department has launched an easy-to-use online calculator on its website. User can calculate his/her income tax based on the income and complete the tax formalities, including paying the tax, online.
Information and details regarding the tax amount to be paid have been sent to the email id of all taxpayers. Based on this, taxpayers can calculate the amount of tax they will have to pay for their various incomes and fill up the online form appropriately.

The online calculator helps in calculating taxes from bonuses and incentives, income from assets like house, capital gains, business, profits from trade, and agricultural income.

Launching of the online calculator is part of the Government’s efforts to encourage and simplify tax payment processes.


Employment News Job Highlights in the Latest Issue from 19th to 25th July 2014

Employment News Job Highlights in the Latest Issue from 19th to 25th July 2014

Job Highlights in the Latest Issue ( 19th July – 25th July 2014)

1. Union Public Service Commission
Name of Post – Combined Defense Services Examination (II), 2014.

2. Indian Bank, Chennai
No. of Vacancies – 251
Name of the Post – Assistant Manager (Industry), Manager etc.
Last Date: 30.07.2014

No. of Vacancies – 83
Name of the Post – Officers.
Last Date: 25.07.2014

4. Staff Selection Commission
Name of the Post – Examination (2014) notice for Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2).
Last Date: 19.08.2014

5. Indian Ordnance Factories
No. of Vacancies – 1572
Name of the Post – Mechanical, Electrical, Non Technical (Stores) etc.
Last Date: 16.08.2014

6. Steel Authority of India Limited, Orissa
No. of Vacancies- 40
Name of the Post – Consultant (Cardiology), Sr. Medical Officer etc.
Last Date: 09.08.2014

7. Centre of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Punjab
No. of Vacancies – 09
Name of the Post – Associate Plant Manager, Scientist etc.
Last Date: 01.08.2014

8. Staff Selection Commission
No. of Vacancies – 02
Name of the Post – Zoological Assistant
Last Date: 16.08.2014

Details of More Job Vacancies & Editorial content can be seen in Employment News Issue dated 19th July to 25th July 2014. For complete job details buy your copy today……

Twin Demands of DA/DR Merger and Interim Relief - CG Pensioners Association(Karnataka) writes to 7th Pay Commission

Twin Demands of DA/DR Merger and Interim Relief - CG Pensioners Association(Karnataka) writes to 7th Pay Commission...
"The two imminent issues for  favourable consideration by the Commission, nay, the Government are: the Grant of Interim Relief, and the Merger of 50% of DA/DR with pay/pension, both retrospectively".


( Estd: 1974;  Regn. S.No.143/1983-84 d/ 9th August 1983 ) “Swarna”, 120/1, 
2nd Main, Gayatri Devi Park Extension, Vyalikaval, Bangalore 56000
(Affliated to BPS New Delhi, AIFPA Chennai & KCCCGPAs Bangalore)

Email  ID: Tel: 23468438
RNI Regn No: KRENG/2008/27233
Postal Regn No: KRNA/BGE/200/2012-14
 S SRamanatha Rao
Tel: 2661 9394 Vice-President
S SKargudri
Tel: 25837178 Secretary
Ashok S Kololgi
Tel: 9448469351 Treasurer
K S Menon
Tel: 9743771933

Respected Chairman and Members of the 7th CPC –
At the outset, I wish the Commission easy going in its work and hope the Commission comes out with useful recommendations. Presumably, the recommendations apply to the members or some of the members of the Commission too.

Wherever we go and whenever we approach officers for certain help or concessions, as pensioners’ associations; in majority of the cases, the reply has been that they (the presently serving officers) too retire at some time, and that they would like to help out. But help does remain afar. The Ministry of Personnel & Pensions has been doing a great deal to liberalise the situation; but they have their handicaps, as the duty-departments remain lethargic. Not much can be done in this domain, perhaps.

The Point
Several pensioners’ associations/pensioners have written to the Commission on the pensioners’ interests and requirements – I refrain from calling them as ‘demands’ as this is the lot of the beggars. The two imminent issues for  favourable consideration by the Commission, nay, the Government are: the Grant of Interim Relief, and the Merger of 50% of DA/DR with pay/pension, both retrospectively.

Both these requirements in principle have been acceded to in the past by the past Pay Commissions as well as the Government; and hence there should be no qualms at all in recommending/granting the two Requirements, in the interest of social justice, whether the Government has specifically made provision for this or not in the Terms of Reference.

(To recall, the Terms of Reference to the Commission by the Government stated clearly “(Item) (h) To recommend the date of effect of its recommendations on all the above. The Commission will make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution. It may consider, if necessary, sending interim reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalised. The decision will result in the benefit of improved pay and allowances as well as rationalization of the pay structure in case of Central Government employees and other employees included in the scope of the 7th Central Pay Commission.”

About a year back, the Tamil Nadu Government, while constituting its Pay Commission, granted two months’ pay as Interim Relief. One of the Central Pay Commissions in the past announced two instalments of Interim Relief. This explains the need for Interim Relief. As such, the two Appeals should be sanctioned without much time being wasted, as there are many pensioners in advanced age-rangewho desire to have this benefit.

The other point
I write this from experience. Over the last 50 (fifty) years,there has been a high and steady rise in the number of posts created in several departments of the Government, particularly so in the Class I senior-cadre, who belong to the All-India Services, in contrast to the number of creation of posts in the junior cadres. There is rise in the volume of work admittedly; but not as much as to have a high number of senior officers. Earlier, the Departments functioned with Section Officer (who managed office), Deputy Secretary (who initiated notings), Joint Secretary(who gave opinions) and Secretary (who took decisions), in the higher rank; and they did well in dealing with papers and in deciding the issues. The file-notings used to be clear, committed, fast and final.

In the past few decades, the ranks of Additional Secretary, Special Secretary and Consultants have crept into the Govt service, with more number of Joint Secretaries. It is my contention that these posts are superfluous and their salary/allowance bills are a dent on the Exchequer. More routine tasks are done after consultations over phone. Too many officers and too much time in dealing with disposal of papers – has been the practice in the Government. I therefore strongly opine that the number of such Class I officers in all the Departments of the Government, including the Ministries, must be drastically brought down. The work will be faster, and the responsibility for decisions is fixed on limited number of officers. The Hon’ble Prime Minister has shown the way. He has cut down on the number of Ministries.

There is a whisper that thirty percent of the retired officers are re-employed in their respective departments/offices after retirement, as Consultants or other-wise, continuing to do the same job! This is something difficult to be gulped. Perhaps, this should be examined and checked. The Dept of Personnel & Training in the Ministry of Personnel may help to know the facts. The Commission may kindly take a decision.

The third
Heading the Karnataka Central Government Pensioners’Association, Bangalore, during the last 12-15 years, the Assn has recently projected many Grievances of the pensioners/members with us; and none of them has been conclusively solved. Various Ministries have come up with Grievances cells; and these have become show-cases or postoffices, with just forwarding the complaints to some nodal officers, who remain unhelpful. The Ministry of Personnel and Pensions contemplated on time-frame for redressal of such grievances; but this has been a far cry. The mechanism to get Redressal to the home of the aggrieved pensioners must therefore be fast and satisfactory.  It must be remembered that the pensioners are aged, and they need results quick. A good debate on this is required within the Government, and a result-orientation infused into these Grievances cells/portals.

The fourth point
In the last few years, it is experienced that the pensioners have been forced to go to different Courts in respect of their dues and needs. These mainly refer to fixation of pension, fixation of cut-off dates and implementation of Court verdicts by the Governments. This is a situation that the pensioners cannot happily face. A good lot of time and money is wasted. The Government must rationalise and liberalise its attitude, when the learned Judges of the Court have given their verdicts after due hearings from both the parties involved. Can the Commission say something on this point, please?

Grateful Regards to a Great Commission.
S SRamanathaRao,
Karnataka CGPA.
D/ July 18, 2014.


Will Air Travel Concession for Central Government Employees be Extended?

Will Air Travel Concession for Central Government Employees be Extended?

Will Air Travel Concession for all categories of Central Government Employees(not entitiled to travel by Air on LTC) be Extended for further two years..?

Will the air travel concession given to Central Government employees to travel to tourism spots in Jammu and NER areas be extended? 

Will the concession, which was being granted upto April 30(for NER) and June 16, 2014(J&K), be extended by another two years?

Will the new BJP Government continue to implement the concession which was offered by the previous Congress Government?

Will this scheme be available at least for those employees who didn’t avail of this concession before?

Will this air travel concession be given to travel to either Jammu or NER region?

Will this concession, being given in order to develop areas that have been identified as most backward, continue?

Questions like these continue to buzz in the midst of Central Government employees. As of now there are no indications that the concession would be extended. There are also no reports of any ministerial debates or discussions over this issue.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that the scheme, which offered air travel concession to all the Central Government employees, with exception to higher officials, gave social status to many. 

Irrespective of these, the families of employees who had availed of this facility are bound to thank the Government for this opportunity! 

[A Jammu-based newspaper reported that on June 18, the Union Ministry of Tourism extended the concession for further two years. It is totally unconfirmed till now. As and when orders regarding the extension are published by Dopt, the orders will be published in our website immediately. ]


3% Reservation in Allotment of Land to Physically Handicapped

3% Reservation in Allotment of Land to Physically Handicapped

Allotment of Land to Physically Handicapped

3% reservation in allotment of the shops/stalls is provided by the Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development, for physically handicapped persons. As per Delhi Development Authority’s (DDA) policy, 5% shops/stalls are reserved for the persons with disabilities as defined in Section 2 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) (PwD) Act, 1995. Shops are allotted at Reserve Price through computerized draw of lots by the DDA.

Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities has stated that it has not received any complaint regarding non-formulation of schemes for preferential allotment of land at concessional rates to disabled persons for setting up business, houses, etc., in Delhi during the last three years.

However, in 2003, Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities on the basis of a complaint received in 1999, vide order dated 27/06/2003 directed DDA to frame scheme in favour of Persons with Disabilities for preferential allotment of houses/land at concessional rate. Accordingly on 19.04.2004, DDA framed the existing policy for preferential allotment of houses/land to persons with disabilities.

Further on 09.10.2006, the Ministry of Urban Development (Delhi Division) reviewed the said policy of DDA and framed the existing policy for preferential allotment of houses/land to persons with disabilities in terms of Section 43 of the PwD Act, 1995.

Regarding the details of complaints received by Commissioner (Disability), Delhi, the information is not centrally maintained by this Ministry.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Sudarshan Bhagat in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha here today.

Dopt Minister replied in Parliament about 5 Day Week for Central government offices

Dopt Minister replied in Parliament about 5 Day Week for Central government offices

The Dopt Minister said in a written reply, there is no proposal to change 5-Day Week for Central government offices.

As per media news, Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Shri.Jitendra Singh today replied to a question in Lok Sabha, whether the Central Government plans to change the five days per week working for central government employees.




All Central Government employees will now have to compulsorily submit a detailed report on their properties and debt owed by them…

Already, each year, the Group-A officials are required to submit information about the immovable properties owned by them. Now All categories of Central Government employees too have been asked to submit these details. The DOPT has issued relevant orders to this effect.

The Government has issued this order in accordance with the Lokpal rules. According to this rule, Central Government employees will now have to submit all details regarding the cash-in-hand, bank investments, share certificates, stocks and bonds, mutual fund investments, insurance policies, P.F. details, loans, motor vehicles, gold and silver ornaments, and precious metals, to the Government.

The employees have to also submit details of movable and immovable properties owned by their spouses and children. Application forms will be given to all the employees, to be filled up and submitted before the 31st of July for each financial year.

There are more than 50 lakh Central Government employees, including IAS, IPS and IFS officers, all over the country. All of them will have to henceforth submit details of their properties. If the total property owned by the employee is less than his/her four months’ basic salary, or if the total amount is less than Rs. 2 lakhs, then he/she could be considered for exemption from submitting the information.

Those who have already submitted the details will have to re-submit the form for the current financial year on or before September 15, 2014. Information also has to be furnished about the properties owned by the spouse and children.

On January 1, President Pranab Mukherjee gave his approval for the Lokpal Act and regulations. Following this, amendments were made to the Lokpal Act to make it compulsory for all Central Government employees to furnish their property details.


CGHS beneficiaries can obtain treatment from any of the Government Medical Institutions including AllMS

CGHS beneficiaries can obtain treatment from any of the Government Medical Institutions including All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

While answering to a question in Parliament on 18th July 2014, Health Minister said that the CGHS beneficiaries can obtain treatment from any of the Government Medical Institutions including All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

The Government also empanels interested private hospitals under CGHS, through tender process/continuous empanelment scheme implemented from time to time.

The hospitals are empanelled subject to the condition that they satisfy the terms and conditions of the tender and agree to CGHS rates and terms of Memorandum of Agreement.
CGHS beneficiaries already have the facility to avail treatment under non- emergency from empanelled private hospitals with prior permission from competent authority. In medical emergency no prior permission is required. No permission is required for CGHS beneficiaries to undergo treatment in Government Hospitals.

Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- Matching Savings

Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- matching savings

“Cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ staff, the matching savings by surrender of posts should be effected from the category itself.  Wherever it is not possible to do so from the category itself, the matchtng savings should be arranged from the department at the divisional/zonal level. If the Department/Railways are not able to provide the matching savings, the particular category/department will not be restructured”.

RBE No. 78/2014
New DeIhi, dated 22-07-2014
No. PC-III/2013/CRC/4

The General Managers/ Director General,
All Indian Railways/ Production Units, RDSO etc. &
Central Training Institutes.

Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- matching savings.

As per Instructions contained in para 12 to 12.2 of Board’s letter of even no. dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013), for implementation of cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ staff, the matching savings by surrender of posts should be effected from the category itself. Wherever it is not possible to do so from the category itself, the matchtng savings should be arranged from the department at the divisional/zonal level. If the Department/Railways are not able to provide the matching savings, the particular category/department will not be restructured.

2. It has been broughf to the notice of Board that there is currently shortage of Booking Clarks & Ticket Checking Staff and given the increase in passenger traffic & the introduction of new trains, Zonal Railways are finding it difficult to smoothly conduct the commercial activities of sale of tickets & ticket checking. While shortage of Commercial staff varies from zone to zone, it is particularly acute in a few zones. As such, It is viewed that since Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking Staff are being essentially, revenue earning categories, any further reduction in strength of these categories due to implementation of cadre restructuring especially in the zones already facing acute shortage, would not be desirable as it may lead to closure of counters or leaving coaches unmanned, thereby resulting in leakage of revenue.

3. The requirement of matching savings by surrender of posts is a mandatory pre-condition for cadre restructuring. Therefore, keeping in view the non-feasibility of further surrender of posts for cadre restructuring from the above mentioned two categories of Commercial Department in certain zones due to existing shortage of staff in these categories, it has been decided by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) that after working out the financial implications for Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking Staff of Commercial Department as per instructions contained in para 12 of Board’s letter of even no. dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013). the General Managers may also consider the possibility of surrender of posts against matching savings from the alternate cadres at the Divisional/Zonal level, wherever absolutely must. In very rare & exceptional circumstances as a last resort, the option of using matching savings from vacancy bank may be considered as per laid down norms. However, there wouId be no revision of percendage dIstribution of posts without matching savings.

4. Except the above mentioned two categories (Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking staff) of Commercial Department, matching savings by surrender of posts for all other categories mentioned in the Annexure ‘A’ o ‘H’ of Board’s letter dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013), should continue to be arranged as per Instructins laid down in para 12 to 12.2 of Board’s letter ibid.’

5. These instructions are in partial modifications of Board’s letter no. 2013/TG-II/12/16/Cadre dated 31-01-2014.

6. This issues in consultation with the Commercial Directorate & with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry.

7. This disposes of Eastern Railway’s letter no. E.740/O/Restructiring dated 02-05-2014 and E.C.Railway’s fetter no. ECR/HRD/Restructuring/Comml./14 dated 23-04-2014.

The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
(Vikram Gulati)
Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board

Source: AIRF

One Rank One Pension (OROP) - Koshiyari Committee’s definition of OROP might not be acceptable to the government now...

One Rank One Pension (OROP) - Koshiyari Committee’s definition of OROP might not be acceptable to the government now...

The demand for one rank one pension (OROP) was accepted by the previous government and a provision of Rs. 500 crore was made in the interim budget. The new government, stating its intention to implement the demand many times, has also provided for it in the regular budget. However, veterans are nowhere near getting the enhanced pensions envisaged. 

What is the current status on OROP?

A high-level meeting was taken by the defence minister on July 16 to thrash out issues with Service Chiefs, staff of Services headquarters and the top brass of the defence ministry, including defence accounts and the department of ex-servicemen’s welfare attending.

Also present were the representatives of four major ex-servicemen’s organisations to give inputs and plead their case. Regrettably, the meeting was inconclusive. A deadlock was created over the most basic issue, the very definition of OROP between bureaucrats of the MOD on one side and the uniformed fraternity plus the veterans on the other. The defence minister stated that the Koshiyari Committee’s definition of OROP might not be acceptable to the government now. His remark to veterans to lower their expectations reveals the stand of the government on the issue, causing consternation among them.

The political executive as well as the people of this country must realise that OROP is not a concession but is meant to offset restricted terms of service to soldiers wherein they are retired at a very young age. Here, the definition set by the Koshiyari Committee must prevail in that OROP implies that uniform pension be paid to Armed Forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, irrespective of their date of retirement, and any future enhancement in the rates of pension to be automatically passed on to past pensioners. It is significant that this explanation had already been accepted by the government. My take is that the government needs to show political will and make good on its promises.

The Indian Navy looks after its own. Through the Naval Regimental System (NRS), an institutionalised support system has been set up to provide practical help to widows and next of kin of naval personnel. Seven Command Regimental System Officers and their teams are on the job, getting in touch with families of deceased naval personnel, whether retired or serving, to look after them and make certain that they receive all their entitlements. Regimental state units exist on the ground to meet veterans and widows: while updating their database, they educate them on their justifys. They make sure all widows have canteen cards and ECHS memberships besides other documents, enabling them to exercise their justifys and privileges.

Started in 2011, the NRS has now been instituted all over the country and has been successful in providing substantial assistance to a number of naval widows. As part of the targets set for the ‘Year of Ex-Servicemen’ in 2012, the outreach programme for veterans and widows was put into motion.

The next year this was extended to the scheme to undertake full responsibility for the welfare of widows and next of kin. The results have been very satisfying.

Source: Hindustan Times []

No proposal to hike retirement age of Central Government employees before the Government

No Proposal regarding raising the retirement age before the Government

Following is the text of the Press Statement issued by the Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions today, to clarify that there is no proposal before the Government regarding raising the retirement age of Central Government employees from 60 years to 62 years :- 

“Attention of the Government has been drawn to reports appearing in some sections of the media regarding raising the retirement age of Central Government employees from 60 to 62 years. 
In order to put at rest all such speculations, it is clarified that there is no such proposal before the Government.”

IRCTC Launches Berth Selection Option While Reserving Tickets

IRCTC Launches Berth Selection Option While Reserving Tickets

IRTC now gives option to choose the berths and seats at the time of reserving tickets online.

Until now, private bus operators gave users the option to choose their berths and seats at the time of booking their tickets on the internet. From next month onwards, IRTC too is going to give the option to its users when they book their railway tickets online. IRTC has added this facility for the sake of senior citizens, families with children and for the sick and ailing passengers.

Senior citizens, women and those travelling with children were, until now, not given the option to choose the berths they wanted. All they could do was give their preference for middle or lower berths. They would be given those berths only if they were available. Only if all the berths of the S1 coach are filled will the berth allocation for S2 coach begin. So even if the seat desired by the passenger is vacant in the S2 berth, he/she cannot reserve it.

While presenting the annual Railway budget last week in the Parliament, the Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda said that passengers will now have the option to choose the coach and berth at the time of reserving the tickets online. He added that there will also be an option to choose the food menu while booking the tickets!

The Railways already offers facilities for users to book resting rooms at the destination station while reserving the tickets. Initially one had to arrive at the station, pay the fees and then book the resting room. Now, at the time of booking their tickets, they can also reserve the resting rooms at the prime destination stations.

Like railway tickets, these rooms too can be booked 90 days in advance. After reserving the tickets, the user has to present the reserved ticket to the officer-in-charge of the resting room and reserve the rooms at the destination station.

Although there are some practical difficulties in executing these plans, the passengers are delighted.
But, despite all these facilities offered, booking tickets on the IRTC website continues to be a daunting task.


Monday, 28 July 2014

Bio-metric attendance system soon for employees of urban ministries

Bio-metric attendance system soon for employees of urban ministries 

Cleanliness and maintenance of Nirman Bhawan improves since last inspection of Shri Venkaiah Naidu 

Shri Naidu makes second surprise check today; takes a serious view of late coming and absenteeism 

Minister of Urban Development and Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today made a surprise check of NirmanBhawan where the Ministries of Urban Development and Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation are located. He went around various floors and rooms for over an hour from 9.10am. 

Shri Naidu has noted perceptible improvement in the cleanliness and maintenance of NirmanBhawan since his last such inspection on June 12, 2014. He however, noted that personnel at lower rungs like section heads and supporting staff in large number did not report for work in time and took a serious view of the same. Names of late comers were noted. 

During the inspection, Shri Naidu was accompanied by Shri Shankar Aggarwal, Secretary(Urban Development) and other senior officials of both the ministries. 

Discussing the state of affairs later with the senior officials of the Ministries, Shri Venkaiah Naidu issued the following directions: 

1.All Joint Secretaries of the two ministries shall visit their respective establishments every day for a week to monitor attendance and find out chronic offenders; 

2.Necessary and immediate action to be taken against those who report late for work; 

3. Attendance Registers to be withdrawn fifteen minutes after ‘due time of reporting’ and late comers to be marked absent for the day and not to be paid for the same; and 

4. Bio-metric attendance markers to be put in place expeditiously and attendance to be monitored strictly. 

Shri Shankar Aggarwal, Secretary(UD) has assured the Minister that through various measures as suggested by the Minister, punctuality would be enforced within two weeks. 

7th Pay Commission Chairman proposes to visit Bengaluru between 25th and 27th August 2014

7th Pay Commission Chairman proposes to visit Bengaluru between 25th and 27th August 2014

Visit Bengaluru between 25th to 27th August 2014

The commission has, in its first phase of interaction, been seeking the views of various stakeholders on its terms of reference. To this end, meetings have been held in Delhi with various organisations and heads of various agencies.

In its second phase of interaction, the Commission plans to hold meetings in different parts of the country to facilitate stakeholders staying in various areas to present their views personally before the Commission and ensure larger representation. This exercise is being undertaken to enable the Commission to get a firsthand impression about the functioning and the condition of service prevailing in different parts of the country.

Accordingly, the Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Bengaluru between 25th August and 27th August 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of Reference of the Commission to present their views.

Your request for a meeting with the Commission may be sent through e-mail to the Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission at . The memorandum already submitted by the requesting entity may also be sent as an attachment with this e-mail. An early response in this regard would facilitate proper scheduling of the meetings.


Sunday, 27 July 2014



Central Headquarters
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
Dated : 23.07.2014
Com. Shiv Gopal Misra,
Staff Side, National Council, JCM
13 C Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001.
Dear Comrade,

Sub: Memorandum of Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance.

The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers places on record its appreciation over the efforts of the Staff Side, JCM, National Council in preparing and submitting the memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission, which has received the widest acceptance and admiration of the Central Government employees. Since the last date for submitting the Department-specific memorandum has been got extended by your efforts uptill 31st July, 2014, the first phase of our endeavour and interaction with the 7th CPC will come to a conclusion in a few days’ time.

I have been directed by the National Secretariat of the Confederation which met on 17th July, 2014 to solicit your kind reference to the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on behalf of all Federations, Unions, Associations on Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance. We are of the view that the Staff Side, in pursuance of the said memorandum, must seek an audience with the Pay Commission immediately to know the course of action the Commission would like to take in the matter. We must also seek an appointment with the honourable Finance Minister thereafter so as to ensure that a decision on our demands is taken by the Government without any further delay. We hope we need not emphasise the fact that the Central Government employees do expect financial benefit on this score as the erosion in the real value of wages as on date is phenomenal.

We shall be grateful if you will indicate to us your line of approach in the matter.

Thanking you and with greetings,

Yours fraternally,
M. Krishnan
Secretary General.

Copy to
1.Com. Raghaviah, Leader Staff Side, National Council, JCM
2. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, All India Defence Employees Federation.

Source: Confederation

Saturday, 26 July 2014

MyGov is an innovative platform to build a partnership between Citizens and Government…

MyGov is an innovative platform to build a partnership between Citizens and Government…

MyGov is an innovative platform to build a partnership between Citizens and Government with the help of technology for growth and development of India. Through this platform, the Government aims to encourage Citizen Participation towards Good Governance by seeking their ideas, suggestions and grass roots level contribution. 

Citizens can participate in this unique initiative of nation building and for the very first time in the history of this country, citizens from across India will come together to share their expert thoughts, ideas and suggestions with the Government in areas related to various policies, programs, schemes etc. MyGov will empower citizens to work hand in hand with the Government.

Public can register on to participate. Getting credit points by posting views on Discussions, completing Tasks that you volunteer for, and sharing ideas and view points of others on social media. Incentives based on credit points will be announced in the future. Periodically, select volunteers/achievers can get to meet and present their views directly to the Hon’ble PM of India.

Moreover, MyGov platform gives you an opportunity to help in nation building.


Friday, 25 July 2014

Dopt orders on submission of Assets and Liabilities Declaration under Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act 2013 by Public Servants

Dopt orders on submission of Assets and Liabilities Declaration under Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act 2013 by Public Servants

As per the said Act and the Rules framed thereunder, every public servant shall file declarations, information or return, as the case may be regarding his assets and liabilities as on the 31st day of March every year, to the competent authority, on or before the 31st day of July of that year. This is an important difference from the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 and may kindly be noted.

F. No. 11013/3/2014-Estt(A)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment Division

North Block, New Delhi
Dated July 23,2014

Subject: The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year and placing the same in public domain on the websites of the Ministries/ Departments.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that the Government has notified the Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act. 2013. on 14.07.2014. The same is available on this Department’s website at

2. As per the said Act and the Rules framed thereunder, every public servant shall file declarations. information or return. as the case may be regarding his assets and liabilities as on the 31st day of March every year, to the competent authority, on or before the 31st day of July of that year. It may be noted that as per Section 2(1)(o) of the Act, “Public Servant” means a person referred to in clauses (a) to (h) of sub-sectlon (1) of section 14 of the Act but does not include a public servant in respect of whom the jurisdiction is exercisable by any court or other authority under the Army Act, 1950. the Air Force kt, 1950, the Navy Act. 1957 and the Coast Guard Act. 1978 or the procedure is applicable to such public servant under those Acts.

3. It may also be noted that the definition of public servant covers all Central Government servants (Groups A, B and C). Therefore, all Central Govenmient servants are required to file the declaration. This is an important difference from the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 and may kindly be noted.

4. As per these Rules, the public servants who have filed declarations, information and annual returns of property under the provisions of the rules applicable to such public servants shall file the revised declarations. information or as the case may be, annual returns as on the 1st day of August, 2014, to the competent authority on or before the 15th day of September. 2014. All Ministries/Departments are accordingly. requested to please bring the provisions of the Public Servants (furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 to the notice of all concerned for compliance.

5. Formal amendment to the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 will be made in due course.

6. Hindi version will follow

(J.W Vaidyanathan)
Director (E)


Thursday, 24 July 2014

PFRDA – Comments are invited on PFRDA Regulations 2014 from all concerned

PFRDA – Comments are invited on PFRDA Regulations 2014 from all concerned

DRAFT – Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Pension Fund) Regulations, 2014

1. The PFRDA Act was passed by Parliament on Sep/19/2013 and notified on Feb/01/2014. In accordance with section 52 of the Act, the Authority may, by notification make regulation consistent with the Act and rules made thereunder for carrying out the provisions of the Act.

2. “Pension fund” is defined under Section (2) (l) of the Act as “intermediary which has been granted a certificate of registration under sub-section (3) of section 27 by the Authority as a pension fund for receiving contributions, accumulating them and making payments to the subscriber in the manner as may be specified by regulations”.

3. The objective of these Regulations is to standardize and to provide regulatory framework for Pension Fund (PFs) that would provide interalia criteria for registration, capital adequacy, code of conduct, obligation and responsibilities etc. Further, the regulation would ensure an effective procedure for inspection and audit to protect the interests of subscribers.

4. Therefore, in order to safeguard the interest of the subscribers, PFs as an intermediary, through this regulation, are required to adopt high level of standard practices that requires compliance with standards for internal control and operational conduct, with the aim of protecting the NPS assets, proper management of risk and generation of optimum returns.

4. Public Comments
Public comments are invited on the draft regulations on Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Pension Fund) Regulations, 2014 . All comments from the public will be considered before the regulations are finalized. Comments may be forwarded by email to or may be sent at the under-mentioned address latest by 18th Aug 2014 as per format given below.
Name of the Person: Organisation: Designation:
Sr. No.Pertains to which regulation /Sub-regulation (Regulation No. & Clause No.)Proposed/suggested changes*Rationale

Instruction to fill up the format:
1. All letters or emails to clearly specify the name and number of the regulation, sub-regulation and clause.
2. Separate letters/emails to be used for different regulations.
3. Each proposed amendment to be given separately.
4. Each proposed amendment (preferably) not to exceed 200 words*

Your letter(s) can be addressed to:
Ms. Sumeet Kaur Kapoor
General Manager
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA)
1st Floor, ICADR Bldg, Plot No.6
Vasant Kunj Institutional Area, Phase II
New Delhi -110070
